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Earn Money As A Cambly Tutor

Do you speak English fluently? Would you like to help English language learners improve their English by talking to them in English?

Cambly does not require a teaching certificate, bachelor’s degree or prior teaching experience.

What do others say about Cambly?

According to Glassdoor, 66% would recommend working for Cambly to a friend. Cambly currently has a review score of 3.4 out of 5 stars.


Cambly pays $.17 per minute ($10.20 per hour) of session time with a student. If you decide to work with Cambly Kids, they pay $.20 per minute ($12.00 per hour). They pay weekly via PayPal or direct deposit.

After you create your profile, you can acquire students who sometimes will return for more sessions with you and become your regular students. Cambly offers a system called Priority Hours, where you promise to be available to tutor incoming sessions for the hours you select. You are required to attend these sessions or be penalized. However, it is a good way to build up list of regulars. Also, while normally you would not be paid for waiting for a call from a student, Cambly will pay you for at least 15 minutes of session time even if you do not receive a call during the scheduled Priority Hour. This is not much money, but some feel that it is better than sitting there waiting and not getting anything for your time. Also, calls initiated by students that do not select a tutor will be routed to those using the Priority Hour system first. So, if there are calls coming in, you will most likely be able to teach during that hour.

While some may feel that the pay is very low, it really depends on where you live. There are many people who live abroad in areas where living expenses are very low, and work for Cambly. So, for those people, the pay is more than enough.

Common Concerns

Tutors who work for Cambly are usually concerned about the number of Priority Hours available. Cambly starts new tutors out with a clean slate, but after about 40 hours to tutoring, a rating system is used that affects the number of weeks ahead that you can choose Priority Hours. This means that if your rating falls below a certain level (not always the fault of the tutor), then other tutors may be able to pick hours a week or two ahead of you, thereby reducing the number of Priority Hours available by the time you are permitted to choose hours.

Currently, application processing times are taking longer than usual, because Cambly is concerned that taking on too many tutors may adversely affect the workload for current tutors.

Also, there have been problems with students using free credits to enter into a session and be on camera without appropriate attire, or sometimes without any attire at all. So, for new students the camera is off for the student by default until the tutor decides to turn it on.


Cambly provides a lot of resources for teaching and practicing English; however, most of the students that I have encountered only want to practice speaking. Sometimes free conversation is a good thing, because you can carry on a conversation with the students during their session time and be paid for it. Sometimes it is a bad thing if the student does not speak enough English to hold up the other end of the conversation. This is where having teaching resources available comes in handy.

If you are interested in teaching for Cambly, click the link below register:


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